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This engine was manufactured by Marshall, Sons & Co., Gainsborough, England. It is a single cylinder, double acting engine, producing a power of, 8 NHP (nominal Horse Power).Such steam engines were mainly used to operate machinery for grinding, threshing, pumping and sawing in Farms, mills and factories. Bullocks or horses were used to pull and take it to the worksite. These engines used fuels like firewood, rice husk, charcoal etc. The engine has a firebox where the fuel is burnt, Hot fuel gases from the firebox enter a cylindrical fire –tube boiler in which the water is converted to steam. The gases then enter a smoke box and escape through a chimney. The horizontal cylinder, containing the piston, is fixed on top of the boiler pushes the piston, which in turn rotates flywheel through the required machinery with a flat belt. The chimney could be folded back at its base during transit or storage. This type of engine were manufactured by Marshall, Sons & Co. from the 1840s till the 1920s, and were extensively used in British colonies.
It is a tandem compound jet condensing horizontal steam engine, Manufactured by Marshall, Sons & Co., Gainsborough, England in 1926.The tandem compound arrangement has the high pressure cylinder ahead of the low pressure cylinder and the later being nearest to the flywheel. The steam expansion is proportioned for equal work in each cylinder with greater economy, Both pistons are mounted on the same rod and working on the same crank. It has drop valves, Governor and a jet condenser. It was in use at Madura Coats Ltd. Tirupur, Tamil Nadu for powering 40 Ginning Mills and a small generator. No: 81571, Power: 256 hp, Speed: 110 rpm, Flywheel Dia: 10 ft, L.P Cylinder Dia : 21 inches, H.P Cylinder Dia: 12 inches, Piston Stroke: 30 inches, Donated by: Madura Coats Ltd, Tirupur, Tamil Nadu
Rotate the handle fitted at the top end of the cylinder. Observed that Water comes out intermittently through the end of the tube wrapped around the cylinder. This device is used for raising water to a height and it was conceived by Archimedes the celebrated Greek inventor